"I can't remember the last time I went to the bathroom by myself."
I have heard this so many times from clients who are parents.
As a parent, I know first hand how hard it can be to take time for ourselves.
My twins love to be near me, and I love to be near them too! Same with my hubby. Sprinkle in my jobs, friends and other family and my time feels constantly filled with others.
I get it. I truly do.
Please hear me when I say this with the utmost love:
You are important. Please take some time for you.
If you are someone that thrives on schedules, schedule in your time.
If it is hard to take time when your children are awake, then it can even be 5 minutes after they go to sleep.
Or waking up 5 minutes before and just allowing yourself to breath and make yourself a cup of coffee/tea/anything.
If you like more sporadic times, then that works too!
For me, I go on walks after my husband comes home from his exercise. He goes about 5 times a week. I stay with the boys while he is gone and then I go while he stays home with the boys.
I also sometimes sit in the car for a few minutes after I go shopping. Or take a bath after the boys have gone to sleep.