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Let’s talk about setting goals

Dr. Chisato

"You're such an overachiever."

This is something I hear often.

Want to know a secret?

I have never felt like an overachiever. Actually, I have always felt like I'm an underachiever- that I don't do enough.

The truth is, I still feel that way quite often. But one of the things that I do for myself is to look at the goals I'm setting for myself.

For example, if I am thinking that I want to run a marathon, it isn't realistic to say that I'm going to do that tomorrow, with no training what do ever. Just so we're clear, I don't run. At all. So that would be a very unrealistic goal. And if I set that goal and ultimately fail, I am going to feel like I'm a failure.

But... let's say I set my goal to run a marathon in 2 years- and start my goal with running a short distance, let's say, starting with a mile in a month. Is that more realistic? Yes. Is there a possibility that I'm going to succeed? Yes.

So... when we feel like we are underachieving, one of the things that I encourage all of us to do is to look at the goals we are setting for ourselves!

With that in mind, let's jump in to our week's Therapist Mama Bear tip!

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