What is resilience? It's a word that we hear often but I don't know if it has ever really been explained to me, outside of a clinical setting.
Resilience basically means our ability to adapt and grow through difficulties . It is our amazing strength to move through life, figuring out the sometimes difficult path called life.
It does not mean that struggle does not exist! It means that we have the ability to grow through it.
It is hard to build resilience in ourselves and others!
I know personally, I have been through quite a bit, which broke me for a while. I truly could not leave the house without being scared and having panic attacks. It took a long, long, long time to get to the point where I could connect with people- even though I had an amazing support network.
With my boys, I always want to stop their pain from happening before anything happens. But I also know that if they do not experience any difficulties they will also never learn how to overcome difficulties. For example, because they have each other, although sometimes they argue, they are pretty great at being able to work it through without adult intervention. If we jumped in every time, then they will never learn how to resolve conflict.
so, we try to stop ourselves from jumping in too quickly! Of course; that does not mean that we don't stop anything- there is a balance.
One way to build resilience is by going through difficulties. But there is a catch. in that, it is also very very helpful to hone our coping skills and practice them!
It helps us to learn "I can do this," and it is hard to know if we have not tried! It also helps to create our own support network.
With those in mind, let's jump into our weekly